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While using the smartforms worklist control we found a couple of issues.
- The date information for the Workflow Start Date field is not correct
- The date information for the Task Start Date field is not correct
- The date should be shown as a "date" (04/28/2015) and not a "day" (IE: Tuesday)


After some troubleshooting and routing the LABS team, they found that this is a bug. There was a logic flaw in the way the date was read into the control and this caused the output to display incorrectly.


The ticket was sent to LABS and they logged a item in TFS to fix this issue. We also saw the same issue on the SharePoint Worklist App. Seeing as this is basically the same thing, LABS said that this is expected.

We updated the ticket notes to make sure that this gets covered as well. We also logged a feature request to make the date format "configurable". Although this is not ideal, official suggestion was to use workspace in the meanwhile.


Hi Folks,


Further to this, I can't get the 'Sinple' view (which I like a lot) to display it's dates in our local format (d/MM/yyyy).  The dates are being displayed in US format.




