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The OOTB worklist control resets the users column widths to default each time the worklist is refreshed wither by manually clicking the refresh button on the control or when the autorefresh timer refreshes the list. This combined with the inability to set the column widths at design time is creating a significant usability issue for the client as they have to resize the columns effectively for each task. This only affects IE (although Chrome has some other anomalies on the column sizing), I verified repro in IE 11 on a Core 6.1 image as well as the clients environment. Might not be relevant, but all our forms are using the Lithium theme.

Additionally, the column width sliders are not very user friendly in IE compared to Chrome, which exasperates this issue as the client has to deal with the sizer not showing, only moving a few pixels, having to sort the columns before it's available, resort the same column to allow it to move more, etc each time the list refreshes. It's very fiddly to say the least.

Note we have already filed a feature request (Ticket _81129) to set the widths at design time, but labs said that was not a quick fix and might be in 4.6.11. Hence trying to live with that limitation has caused them to come up with a number of additional issues with the OOTB runtime column sizing.



This was identified a s bug.


There were some coldfix implemented in K2 BlackPearl 4.6.11 that fixed the issues.

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