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I'm trying to understand the options available to me.

Should it be possible to create and edit workflows between K2 Studio and directly in K2 Designer without any issues? 

Example: create new in K2 studio, save and deploy, and then further edit , redeploy in K2 Designer. 

Or: Create in K2 Designer, deploy, then open in K2 Studio, further edit, save, deploy, continue development back in K2 Designer.

I'm adding some workflows in K2 Studio, but not able to see them in K2 Designer. I've double checked user profiles to ensure access, yet the new workflows never show up in K2 Designer.  Perhaps something is not supported?



Furthermore.. almost seems like the two workflow editors provide different sets of options.

Example: How to do set workflow data items.. the workflow K2 Studio?    (I find it in K2 Designer during workflow creation, not but in K2 Studio).

Other way Example: How do I set a workflow step to start X-number of days later... or anything not immediately?  (I see it in K2 Studio, but not in K2 Designer)




Workflows designed in K2Studio and VS have *.kprx extension. Only *.wkprx workflows are visible in the K2 Designer. So it is not possible to edit the K2Studio or VS workflows in the web browser.

The designers are targeted at different type of people based on their technical level. Start rule is not available in K2 Designer.

Please look at the design tools comparison:

"The designers are targeted at different type of people based on their technical level. Start rule is not available in K2 Designer."

This is clear... and seems to imply that K2Studio is for more advanced actions... with K2 Designer the simple application.

So... then... how do I assign workflow parameters in K2 Studio? (Assuming that is possible?)  Perhaps it's called something else? Or different way of reaching that configuration? I trying to work with workflows that have both parameters.. and start rules.. and at the moment.. feels like I need to bounce back and forth between Studio and Design to accomplish this.

I would hope if K2 Studio is the more advanced tool.. that it will be able to handle all features / actions provided in Designer.



Its called Data fields. You can create them in the object browser (left hand side menu). There are process level and activity level data fields.
