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When I migrated to the 2003 with sp4 and when I was reading some topics in the forum I knew that smart forms are not supported so far, and that I need the k2rom to work with smart forms.

I would like to ask how to proceed, plz if someone can give me a detailed example or anything that can help me.
It s Urgent plzzz
Hi Melhem,
SP4 do support SmartForms, but only if you use Visual Studio 2003.
With that being said, we would strongly recommend using ASP Webforms and using the K2ROM object even if you are using VS2003.
Module 7 of the training material on the Portal explains how to use the K2ROM Object with examples in and

Hope this helps
Thanks Gert for your reply,
I have this module but I have a very complex smartform to do and I need
more difficult exemples.
If you please could you send be a more complex exemple

Unfortunately those are the only exapmles I can give you. Any other code examples I have I cannot give you due to a Non Disclosure Agreement I signed.
Thanks Gert a lot for your reply.
Thanks Gert, but my question was: how to use K2Rom especially with Smartforms.

For example how to choose the solution, the process... from the code.

If you please can send me only some lines, how to begin

When using K2ROM, you do not need to 'connect' to a specifc solution. You need to connect to the Server - with the K2ROM.Connection class. When you have established a connection to the Server, you can:
1. Start a new process instance - calling CreateProcessInstance and StartProcessInstance methods of the same class; OR
2. Interact with existing process instances - using the OpenProcessInstance, OpenWorklist and OpenWorklistItem methods, again, of the same class.

Please refer to the Help file for code samples.

PS!! "how to use K2Rom especially with Smartforms" - You do not use K2ROM with SmartForms. Smartforms already makes use of K2ROM. Smartforms is exactly the same as using K2ROM except that we've wrapped some of the method calls to K2ROM into existing components. For example:
On a SmartForms 'Plan' page, we open a K2ROM connection and call the CreateProcessInstance method on page load while we call the StartProcessInstance method on a Submit button.
On a SmartForms 'Client' page, we once again open a K2ROM connection and call the OpenWorklistItem method with the passed-in Serial number. On this type of page we call the WorklistItem.Finish method behind the Finish button.

Again, please refer to the Help file for code samples.

I would like to thanks all the forum members and especially
Ockert(The site Admin) Gert and ConradK2 for their help 🙂
