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Package of K2 forms, views, and smartobjects using the PandD tool is throwing errors on a few forms and the workflow. We are packaging from Dev to Prod. The errors include:

'WorkflowName' Process is referencing the 'Missing ID' Unknown that could not be found"

This was on the SmartForms client events within the workflow.

'FormName' Form is referencing the 'Source Guid: GUID] View: ViewGUID]' property on the 'Source' Unknown that could not be found

This was on the form initializing and the action of 'Open a Worklist Item'


When looking at the configuration for the action of opening a worklist item we saw that there were some fields not configured. After that we created the package again and saw that the error had cleared up. However, when continuing to other forms and attempting to get the workflow errors cleared up there were many issues.

When attempting to deploy package we saw errors with getting everything from the package to adapt to what we have currently in Production. Particularly, we see that on a SQL based SmartObject one of the properties is named completely different. We are seeing 'AssignedPO' when we are expecting 'AssignedRequisition'. We are able to tell PandD to use the existing SmO on prod but the main issue is that the view itself is still linked to the SmartObject where the naming of the property is different. We would like to avoid having two same named but different property smartobjects on the prod server. We checked the SmartObject properties, view rules, and SQL table, on dev env all showed the name of AssignedRequisition. We only see this field in the PandD tool. View most likely was created off of the initial rendition of the smartobject and the properties of this smartobject were later manipulated.


Moving the workflow out of K2 Designer and into K2 Studio enabled a proper package to be created without errors on forms or workflow.

Recreating the rules for views and forms allowed a new successful package to be created. This one can be deployed with no errors. Most likely the property 'AssignedPO' which did not exist still had some trace hanging around in a rule on one of the views. This trace was pulled in by PandD and that is why we saw AssignedPO when we wanted AssignedRequisition. This recreation of the rules on the view also eliminated all of the "Missing ID" errors we previously had on the workflow in the PandD tool.

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