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We are looking for a tool to help us develop SharePoint workflows so we downloaded K2 Workflow and are trailing it now, but we where wondering if it was possible to use a Replicator (a parallel for each loop)? For example, the workflow starts with creating 5 tasks, after that each task needs to be monitored for changes (parallel). And after all tasks are completed the workflow can continue with the next step.



 if these tasks are the same, only differs in people who have to completed them, you could use destination rules and slots within same activity (for example a department hq have to approve a document in parallel, and hq have got 3 stuff member). If they are different task you have to divide them into separete parallel activities, and join them with preceding rules, and/or succeeding rules.

For dynamic creation of different client events, I don't think Blackpoint is the right solution, but in Blackpoint it's possible for sure.



Thank you for your answer Maxim. I'll explain our problem a bit more ...

We have list of items (questions), and when our workflow starts it should create a task for every item in the 'questions' list. So we can't create parallel task in our workflow at development time, because we don't know how many we are going to need. In Visual Studio you use a Replicator for this kind of work, now our question is how, if possible, we can do this in K2 Blackpoint?




Hi Erwin

You should be able to use some variation of the following post to accomplish what you've described:

Basically this approach has a parent process that will start x number of child processes which can be launch asynchronously so that the parent process will wait for the childs to complete and potentially pass updated information into the parent. 

Note that this post talks about K2 blackpearl but the functionality for blackpoint should be the same. 

Hope this helps.

