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I have an equipment list that is accessed in drop down lists in a number of nintex forms. To keep this list up to date, I query an equipment table in a sql database. I bring back about 3,000 equipment items from the DB, and I only want to update the sharepoint list with DB items that don't already exist in the sharepoint list.

So I loop through the DB list and for each DB item I then loop through the sharepoint list items which also contains about 3,000 items.

The workflow status always says Failed on Start (retrying). And never seems to update the list.

Is there a way to update such a large list this way?

Hi Joanne,

I do not think that Nintex is the good tool to accomplish that task.

If you want to synchronize SQL data with a SP List, you should think about other solutions.

Maybe this post is a start even it is a bit old.



Thanks Christophe. Our sharepoint doesn't seem to have been configured to use Business Data Connectivity. I've put in a request to our admin to see if this can be 'turned on'. 

While waiting to get BDC configured, I instead used a Collection of the list to be updated, and a single loop though the data retrieved via the DB query. Checking to see if each value existed in the collection. If it didn't, I updated the list. Pretty quick and works well. I've setup a daily schedule to run.

Dear Joanne,
Can you post a schematic diagram / print screens of the workflow and tasks... I would be interested in the logic.
Thanks in advance!
