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Hi all,

this is most likely gonna sound really stupid so please don´t laugh for too long..

I run into the situation where I have to design quite robust, multistep workflow. Because of this I have to use many switches and state machines....I haven´t really figured out how to do it another way as there is many approval stages involved which quite frequently overlap one another and the whole process is quite complex.

And because of this kinda design the workflow has too many actions on one horizontal level and basically became too wide to fit into the design canvas and I can´t navigate in it horizontally an easy way.

The horizontal scrollbar just isn´t there sad.png

Anyone else had this problem? I tried to google this to high heavens and it really looks like that I am either missing something really stupid, am blind or am just the first person this ever happened to as I just couldn´t find anything on this topic.

Many thanx for any kinda advice here.

We had this before and it was our custom branding on SharePoint causing the issue so you may need to investigate that. As a work around you will have to use zoom out to get to the very right hand side actions until you can sort that? 

Thanx a lot for explanation. If it is really that then I am afraid that I will have to do design in chunks (one state machine do the actions there then add another and so on. Not ideal but a lot less annoying then zooming in and out all the time) as I really can´t do any changes to our custom branding.

Thanx anyways
