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We are trying to create a workflow that follows steps below, is it possible with Nintex Workflow 2013 WG edition.

1-Start Workflow with a fillable word/pdf document(possible already integrated into the WF)

2- User A fills out the document, sends to User B

3- User B fills out same document, and sends it to user C, D and so forth. 

If this is possible, any help would be appreciated,



Can the workflow sit on a document library and have the document as a template in the library (i.e. new document opens the template).  have the workflow that routes the email notifications to users A, B, C, D etc and give them a link to the document in the library to update?


So do you mean, have WF add a new document to the library based on a template? and each user would update it and when done send it to the next one??



I mean have a document library and have a workflow on that document library that notifies the users that it is their turn to update the document.  all the workflow will be doing will be emailing users.  the document library will be doing the hard work...
