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Workflow still running after I have deleted it


I have a simple email notification workflow. I had it running based on a Save Button Clicked event. I didn't remove the form rule related to that workflow before I deleted it.

I created a new email notification workflow that is triggered by a new record added to the list/smartobject so that the data is always fresh. Unfortunately I named it the same as the original one. Now when I add a record two emails are generated. I renamed that second workflow and now I am getting three emails every time I create a new item/record. Want to work back to only one email being generated on that event.

I'm still on Appit 1.0 (updating to 1.1 next week).


Issue: "Phantom" deleted workflow still attached to "list item added" event handler.

Resolution: A form-launched workflow was replaced by a "on item added" workflow of the same name, then the latter was deleted but still was being launched. No instances or versions showed up in management or designer it appeared to be deleted. I created a new workflow with the same name as the phantom that would be launched on "item added" which successfully overwrote the phantom version, then changed it's launching event to "manually started" and redeployed, which disabled the phantom emails. We then deleted its versions from Management before deleting the workflow on its artifacts page.

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