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Anybody else has experienced this as well, where you change the Workflow Settings and then publish it but when going back into the settings, the old settings are still there.

For example:

I have changed "Start when items are created: Yes" from "Condional" but uppong publishing it, and gong back into the settings, it is still set to Conditional.  However, renaming the workflow title to something else, the changed data is updated.

Why can I not save data on the existing workflow title?
I have deleted all workflows, purged all the instances and yet is still same issue.

Why does this happen? How to resolve this?
I would rather like to keep the current WF title and not change to something else.

Hi Bim, 

I can't say that I've seen this before, but have you created a support ticket for this issue? Which version of Nintex Workflow for SharePoint are you currently running? 

Thank you,


Hi Sean

I am runnning SP 2016 on premise with Nintex 2016 v4.3.3.0

I have this exact issue and a search threw up this very old thread and little else so hoping someone might have seen something since.

I had a workflow on conditional and needed to stop it triggering so set to not create on new, saved, published. Version updated along with timestamp.

Going back in to the workflow, it remains on conditional, I've since set to both yes and no but after each publish it reverts to conditional.


Any advice appreciated thanks!

I'm experiencing same issue.  Settings are both "No" on DEV. so tried to export/import to UAT environment and STILL the Conditional is set.  like it is in Cache or something. Tried renaming to something else which worked.  But back to original name and the Conditional is back.  This is very frustrating behavior.
