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I have created a workflow using K2 Designer. It was working fine till today but now when i am initiating a new workflow request the task is not getting assigned to any one. I have checked in K2 Workspace workflow process Instance and there are no workflow process available.

If I create a new workflow process Instance manually in Workspace it shows me running for few seconds and after it vanishes. It never comes in active or error state.

At the first task of workflow we update the status. That step is working fine and after that the instance just vanishes.


1. Checked dK2].]ServerLog].]ProcInst] and discovered records for the missing process instances

2. Opened the View Flow of the missing process instances, and discovered that all the instances stopped at the first activity, and unable to move to the second activity.

3. Since there is only one path from the first activity to the second activity, there is nothing else the process instance is able to do, so K2 updates the status of the process instance to 'Complete', thus the process instance seems vanish quickly shortly after starting it.

4. The path between the first activity and the second activity is colored red in the View Flow, suggesting that there is an outcome rule that evaluated to false, preventing the process instance from moving to the second activity.


Removing the outcome rule from the first activity resolves the issue.


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