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All actions performed by Appit (through workflow step or otherwise), are shown to be actioned by a specific admin user's email account.


The admin account that is being displayed is the currently assigned tenant admin. This was set up during the initial provisioning. An Appit instance that is running through O365/SharePoint Online architecture will impersonate the tenant admin account when performing actions.


A new AAD account was created for the SharePoint Online environment to be used as a dedicated service account, and the Appit tenant admin role was migrated/reassigned to this new service account. After the migration, the new service account is shown to be used through impersonation when Appit actions tasks.

Note: If you require a migration of your tenant admin account for your Appit instance to a dedicated service account, please log a new ticket through the Customer Portal and reference this article (as well as ticket _95108), and a support engineer will assist you with the migration.

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