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So I created 2 different list workflows for one list. These workflows use a run if action and looks at a Status field. One workflow move the line item to an archive list if the status field is Complete and the other workflow moves the line item to a pending list if the status field is pending. The workflows don't seem to like running in tandem. Is this normal? This was a workaround to a site workflow just not working like I wanted it to. Thanks.

Cassy Freeman

Can I use a start workflow action on each and run one every hour and run the other every 45 minutes?

Any reason why the two conditions can't be assessed in a single workflow? Use a condition to judge firstly if the status is pending and if it is, move it to pending. However, if it isn't equal to pending then have another condition to assess whether the status is completed, if it is then move it to pending, and if it doesn't the workflow finishes up. You could even have your Run if's in a linear workflow and just pass through the run if's when the conditions aren't met. Do you have a specific reason for two separate workflows?

Hey Ryan

Other than lack of I am new to Nintex workflow so I am learning as I go and via message board help. 2 workflows sounds like the easiest option for what I was trying to accomplish. Made sense to me.

In which case can I suggest you look at my suggestion. Do you have any coding or development logic experience? If so then that will help a lot, in understanding about conditions, but it's essentially an "IF This Then That" process.

The condition action allows you look at a field in your list item and determine whether it's value meets a certain criteria ("pending" in this case). If it does then your workflow will follow the Yes branch. If it doesn't then it will follow the No path. If it follows the Yes path then you can place your action to move the item to another list in that path, if it doesn't then you use another condition action and configure it to assess whether that same field meets the other value ("complete"). If neither condition is positive then the workflow will do whatever you tell it to once it's followed the negative branches. This terminology will probably become more clear once you start playing with the actions.

If this has been helpful or given you the answer, please mark it as answered so that other users can find this solution.

I know enough to be dangerous. I initially wrote a parallel workflow similar to what you are suggestion. I will give this a shot. Thanks!

Hey Ryan

Would I use the Switch action to accomplish this? I do not see a Condition action.

it;s called "set a condition" and it's in logic and flow section happy.png


You could use a switch action, there's no reason you couldn't. This action by design, allows multiple input variants to be assessed, so you could add additonal paths later if your requirements change. However as Cassy suggests, the simplest method where there are only two outcomes, is to use the "set a condition" action.



In answer to the original question, I suspect that your two workflows are tripping over each other, most likely placing a lock on the item that causes the other to fail. Without seeing details of error messages, it's difficult to be sure.


Excuse my ignorance. I don't understand how to complete the configure action for this set a condition. Do you have an example if I wanted to create one to run if the review status is complete o run if the review status is pending?

do you need to do something if it's complete, something else if it is pending, and something else if it is neither of those?

I have a test list with a test status column that has a choice of "New", "Pending" or "Complete".

set a condition will do this:

check if complete

yes - do something

no - do something else



you could nest them like this, to get three outcomes:


So this one checks if it's complete.  If not, checks if it is pending.  You can nest up to 11 times to give you a maximum of 12 outcomes.

or you could have a switch like this:


things to note about the switch:

- it is case sensitive.  if you check for Pending but the item is pending, it will not match

- best to always have the other branch, if the switch doesn't find a match, it DOES NOT error, it just skips past it.  I always add the other branch to terminate my workflow and notify myself of no match - as normally what I am doing inside my switch is essential.

Looks like Cassy Freeman​ has beat me too it!

Oops sorry x

Wow this is awesome! You must have built this as a list workflow? I was building as a site workflow and the set condition for that looks totally different. I am trying this now.

This is a great idea too! Thanks everyone! I will let you know if this mitigates my problem!
