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Workflow errors out when indexing documents through knowledge lake, does not update metadata in Sharepoint Column. Error does not occur when manually starting the workflow. Workflow fires twice when starting the workflow manually


Workflow had issues finding the document to update when document was added to sharepoint library through the Knowledge Lake software. Workspace error for this workflow confirmed this. When looking at viewflow of bad workflow we could see that the Update Metadata Final Reports activity had an error. Viewed XML of that activity to look for errors. This was a hint towards confirming that the workflow event for Update Metadata was not working correctly.


The Update Metadata Final Reports SmartObject wizard (K2 Designer) was being used. This does not utilize an ID to search for that item to update and find the item in sharepoint. Instead the Update Metadata by ID SmartObject wizard was used. This wizard used the ID of the list item created in the workflow. Therefore, using this wizard enabled the workflow to find the correct item and update the column to include a link URL to a smartform as intended. Workflow starting twice was also solved by resetting the K2 Blackpearl Service this was done by an admin when troubleshooting another issue and resulted in the solution of this one as well.

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