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When we run either SmartForms wizard (Process Integration or Client Event) when we hit the Next button to go to the "Transfer Workflow Data to Form" screen ("Specify Data Bindings and Folio" on the Process Integration) we get the error: "An exception occurred. Exception: An item with the same key has already been added." Under View Details you get:


at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at SourceCode.Workflow.Wizards.Forms.Controls.ProcFormToProcessControl.LoadData()
at SourceCode.Workflow.Wizards.Forms.Pages.DataBindingsPage.OnActivate()
at SourceCode.Workflow.WizardFramework.WizardPage.SourceCode.Framework.IWizardPage.Activate()
at SourceCode.Workflow.WizardFramework.PropertyWizard.ActivateCurrentPage()
at SourceCode.Workflow.WizardFramework.PropertyWizard.OnNavigateToPage(WizardPage destinationPage, Direction direction)
at SourceCode.Workflow.WizardFramework.PropertyWizard.set_CurrentPage(WizardPage value)
at SourceCode.Workflow.WizardFramework.PropertyWizard.OnNext(IWizardHostService host)
at SourceCode.Workflow.WizardFramework.PropertyWizard.SourceCode.Framework.IPropertyWizard.Next(IWizardHostService host)
at SourceCode.Workflow.DesignerFramework.WizardHost.ShowNextPage()


This is a bug that was identified in 4.6.9 and would occur if the "start a workflow"/"open worklist item" was '(configure)' via K2 Designer. The fix is included in the 4.6.10 release and upcoming 4.6.11 release and we recommend upgrade when possible. If upgrading is not possible at this time, a 4.6.9 Smartforms roll up is available.


The issue was resolved after applying the Smartforms roll up. The fix will also need to be applied on any relevant client tool machine:

1. Close out of any K2 Studio/K2 for Visual Studio
2. Copy the "BlackpearlBin" directory from the roll-up to the "Program Files(x86)BlackpearlBin" directory on client tool machine and replace existing files
3. Add the following 2 assemblies to the developer machineclient tool machine GAC using the GACUTIL tool > "gacutil -i" command:

Bin SourceCode.Workflow.Wizards.Forms.dll

Please contact K2 Support if you wish to apply the 4.6.9 Smartforms roll-up.

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