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We are getting an error in our workflow. The activity destinations get an email and it is failing for one of the users. I looked in UMUser and his email address shows when I pull back all users but doesn't show when I do a Get User Details. How to I make it update the correct information from Active Directory (his email and manager is showing in AD).

The parameter 'addresses' cannot be an empty string. Parameter name: addresses





The '" tool was provided to expire and re-cache this user's information successfully. Please perform the following below:

1. Execute the tool
2. Specify the Server Name and port
3. Specify the User name in the format (K2:DOMAINusername)
4. Select the 'User' Object Type
5. Select the 'Identity' area to update
6. Execute using the 'Clear Identity Cache' button
7. If the execution is successful, a "Done" screen will appear (this will expire the user's identity information)
8. Then to force the refreshing of this user's Identity, execute the Smartobject Service Tester Tool > UmUser > Get User Details (perhaps twice) does the user's email and Manager property populate?

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