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I was told that when Authorisers were receiving emails to approve/decline form requests, they were not getting the usual "Your action was succesful" message and the subsequent emails in the workflows.


I tried a couple of my test forms, and the same was happening for me also.


I then restarted the K2 Service, and then all of a sudden, about 50 emails came through....and it is all now working.


My question is, what would cause the Workflow engine to back up like that?


This is a worry, as it affects all forms and my workflow approvals for our forms...


Anyone else had this? Any ideas to stop this happening in future?


Thank You,

Hi Sharpharp1


I have also experienced this issue and raised it with K2 support. There is something that gets out of synch in the process that causes this to happen and restarting the K2 services resets it.


From memory there were 2 things we implemented to address it:


1. Regular clear outs of the k2 service inbox

2. Regular restarts of the k2 service (out of hours)


This happened running 4.6.7.  I would check with K2 support to see if they have addressed this issue.

Thanks Andrew,


Good  (or bad if you depending on how you look at it) that it's not just me that's had that issue.


I'll open a ticket with K2 to see what they say





I sent all the K2 logs and Windows Event Viewer logs, but they couldn't find anything.


They suggested i put it in console mode if it happens again, but I can't as Console mode breaks K2 forms from loading/workflows.


So, no solution :-(

We had a very similar issue at a customer and logged a ticket with K2 support. We also never found anything in the event logs to troubleshoot. However, support provided us a stored proc called [EventBus].[CleanCompletedInstances] which we ran that cleaned out the [EventBus].[LogCustomEventInstance] table based on certain statuses.  This resolved the problem for that customer.


You may want to ask K2 support about that stored proc but note this was prior to 4.6.9 so its possible enhancements may have been made that make this script no longer necessary.


As for K2 running in console mode breaking smartforms and workflows that sounds like a separate issue as that should work okay. Make sure you’re running it as the K2 Service account and with Administrator permissions. Or if it’s not starting correctly as the K2 service account there may be Windows permissions or policies preventing it from doing so.





