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We have Document list that is set to receive emails.  When a new email is received my workflow is suppose to run and assign a task to my users.

When I kick off the Workflow manually it runs perfectly! (This is how I tested before implementation)   At Implementation I set the Workflow to Run on Create. But discover that this is a known issue and it will not run on email embedded lists.


There are two work around

1. You need to add some code in the server  - - I don't have access to this.

2. You can add an additional Column on your  -- Someone posted this workaround and it's just not working.

Workaround Described in this Thread:

"As Nidish mentioned this is a result of workflows not being able to run as the SharePoint system account. How we get around this is to create a custom column on the document library that has a default value. We then setup the workflow to trigger when an item is modified and equals the default value. The first step in the workflow would be to change this default value to something else."


Any insight on this would be a help? 

Thanks Melissa

Hi Melissa,

Are you using a System Account to perform the update to the item?   This might be why your workaround is failing.  System Accounts are tricky when auto-triggering anything so just make sure this is not the case.


HI Mike,

I have the Workflow to Start on Create. The idea is that a request coming into the list and the WF kicks off an email confirmation back to the person who sent the request and a Task is set for everyone in my group. Where one of us will need to pick up the request and do some analysis.  By the way the workflow works if it is set to Modify.  My issue how do I tell the workflow there is a new item? and even if I add a column with a default value of lets say 1 and change it to 2 that would be Modify and the WF could run but How do I know when to change it to 2?

I'm just stuck here!

Got it to Work Thanks to Benjamin Eggert !


Here is the detailed workaround:

1.      In your list/library with the incoming email -- Add a Yes/ No Column default is set to No, Let call it "New Item"

1a. In the Workflow Settings in (list where the incoming email is enable) set "Start when item are modified" chose Conditional and then set the condition to "Start when items are modified" "New Item"  equals Yes

2.      Created a new WF in the Workflow Settings in "Start when item are modified" chose Conditional and then set the condition to "Start when items are modified" "New Item"           (column from step 1) equals No

2a. In the WF add an Action - Update Item Current item Update "New Item" to equal  Yes


I hope this helps!
