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I created a pretty simple SharePoint Integration Workflow using Visual Studio. I could build and deploy the workflow successfully. I am activating the workflow on item creation. I am getting "An instance of the xxxxx workflow could not be started. Review the event viewer for the detailed information."


Here is the log data from the event viewer.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: K2 SharePoint Workflow Integration
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date:  11/21/2008
Time:  12:30:44 PM
User:  N/A
An error has occurred in NewWorkflowActivated_Invoked

Error Details: Server error occured, System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: An error occurred trying to create a new instance of the process. ---> System.Exception: 24408 K2:SHAREPOINTsystem from does not have rights to Start Process TravelReportsReview
   at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.InternalConnection.Call(ArchiveX ar, MessageType msgtype)
   at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.InternalConnection.CallFunction(ArchiveX ar)
   at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection.CreateProcessInstance(String ProcName, Int32 Version, String Layer)
   at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection.CreateProcessInstance(String ProcName)
   at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.Functions.SharePointServiceFunctions.StartWFIntegrationProcess(String K2Server, String Folio, String MetaDataDetail, String ProcessName, String K2IntegrationDataXml, String ProcessObjectXml, String k2ProcessXML, String ClientUserLogon)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.Functions.SharePointServiceFunctions.StartWFIntegrationProcess(String K2Server, String Folio, String MetaDataDetail, String ProcessName, String K2IntegrationDataXml, String ProcessObjectXml, String k2ProcessXML, String ClientUserLogon)
   at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.SharePointService.StartProcess(String k2ServerName, String Folio, String MetaDataDetail, String processName, String k2IntegrationDataXml, String processObjectXml, String k2ProcessXML, String clientUserLogon)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    at SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.Proxy.K2Runtime.StartProcess(K2IntegrationItem k2IntegrationItem, SPWorkflowActivationProperties Properties)
   at SourceCode.SharePoint.Workflow.Proxy.MultipleTasksAndUsers.NewWorkflowActivated_Invoked(Object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs e)

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


One thing I am still clue less about is, the log is referring to "K2:SHAREPOINTsystem". I am not sure where that is coming from. "MY-COMPUTER" is not in "SHAREPOINT" domain.

 Thanks for your help in advance.



This error comes from trying to start a workflow as the SharePoint Service Account. Try starting the workflow as a different user (an actual user in your domain) and it should work. The SharePoint Service Account does not come through to K2 as the actual AD account, but instead SharePointSystem - which is why it cannot start the K2 process. This is a limitation on the SharePoint side, but starting a process as a user account should work just fine.

Thanks for your reply. The WF I'm referring to is of type SharePoint Integration WF. The WF is supposed to start on item creation. The WF starts and dies right away.

Is there no possibility to run a workflow with SHAREPOINTsystem account?
My situation: I have two sharepoint workflow integration processes. Process 1 only copy a document to a library2. After the document is copied to library2 another sharepoint workflow integration process (process2) should be started automtically. Therefore it is is necessary that the sharepointsystem has start rights on process2.



I am also facing the same error. The MOSS service is running under "Local system account". How can I solve it?


This might a simple Server / TCP connectivity error ,.


Double check that your SharePoint Server can talk to the k2 webservices on that service port.

While you may have some configured

for example

http://<Server>:81/RunTimeServices.asmx  or some other services...


https://<Server>/MyShareFolder/ --  on the same sharepoint server.


The trick is , that is PROCESS specific , so , if your designer has a preset String with the wrong connection string , that will compile just fine and deploy just fine as there is not error checking on at design time.


The Fix:

At Design time ( Process or project ) Make sure you move your mouse over the webservice string and make sure it is valid and current.


Good luck K2ing.


George Gergues.

