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The customer had two issues:

1) When accessing the form via SharePoint the customer would see a 'This page can't be displayed' message in the background along with the signature 'Working on it...' message in the foreground.

2) When deploying a workflow the customer received the following error:

-The selected state ''STATE NAME]' does not exist on the server.


1) This was a problem of browser settings and while the client did not encounter this issue after switching to a different computer the issue was most likely a problem with not having 'Protected mode' enabled.

2) The WorkFlow was being prompted to start in response to a form state that no longer existed.


1) The client had resolved this issue by the time the support call took place.

2) Edit the workflow and select the start icon at the beginning of the WorkFlow
- Under the 'Specify the Form that will start this workflow' section, drop down the arrow next to form.
- Select 'Create a new state' and enter in the state name that was received in the deployment error message.


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