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I'm trying to Call Nintex WebService 'StartWorkflowOnListItem' and try to send  association data.#

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:m="">

But workflow, which should receive an association data fails and when I look at my SharePoint log, I'm getting following error:

10/10/2016 10:01:29.42     w3wp.exe (0xAF60)                           0x11CA0    SharePoint Foundation             Legacy Workflow Infrastructure    ahk8u    High        Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: Verbose] Successfully persisted workflow instance: {0} with error code: {1}, instance data size: {2}, internal state: {3}, processing id: {4}    93fcab9d-7f78-100e-565c-1cbbe5412100
10/10/2016 10:01:29.43     w3wp.exe (0xAF60)                           0x11CA0    SharePoint Foundation             Legacy Workflow Infrastructure    88xr    Unexpected    WinWF Internal Error, terminating workflow Id# c58110ec-f606-44b9-aee9-a6680e8481eb    93fcab9d-7f78-100e-565c-1cbbe5412100
10/10/2016 10:01:29.43     w3wp.exe (0xAF60)                           0x11CA0    SharePoint Foundation             Legacy Workflow Infrastructure    98d4    Unexpected    System.Xml.XmlException: 'Text' is an invalid XmlNodeType. Line 1, position 11.     at System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadEndElement()     at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowUtil.XmlUtil.XmlToHashtableDoDecode(String xml)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowUtil.XmlUtil.XsnXmlToHashtable(String strXml, Boolean bIsTaskXml, SPContext context)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions.ApplyActivation.Execute(ActivityExecutionContext provider)     at System.Workflow.ComponentModel.ActivityExecutorOperation.Run(IWorkflowCoreRuntime workflowCoreRuntime)     at System.Workflow.Runtime.Scheduler.Run()    93fcab9d-7f78-100e-565c-1cbbe5412100

Anyone knows, what I'm doing wrong?


Not sure this applies to Nintex Workflow Cloud so moving it to the Getting Started area. 

As for calling the web service... the one question I would ask is, have you setup start variables within that workflow to accept the data you are attempting to push into it?

Also have you see this… 

try to supply not encoded association data like

