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When a user is set as Out of Office and another user is set to get their tasks - will I, an Admin, see the original task AND the shared task in the Workspace WorkList? Do I have any way of knowing that task was shared?


I reviewed online documentation and found nothing that answers this question directly. Utilizing a VM I experimented with the Out of Office section and the Worklists section of the K2 Workspace Management Console.


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On the first question - When a user is set as OOO and another user is set to get their tasks - will I, an Admin, see the original task AND the shared task in the K2 Workspace WorkList? The answer is no. I could not find a written reason for it but we think it is because Workspace views the task as still belonging to the originator of the OOO. This kind of makes sense since the task stays on that person's worklist even though he/she has their OOO turned on and a person selected to forward to.

On the second question - Do I have any way of knowing that task was shared? The answer is yes but indirectly. If you go into the Out of Office section in K2 Workspace as described in the first attachment and look at individual user's configurations for Out of Office (User A), you can see who they have identified to receive their tasks (User 😎.

You can then go in to the worklists section of K2 Management and locate all tasks running or use the filter. In the second attached screenshot I went to the worklists in my VM and simply hit search (without selecting any filter) to see all the tasks currently running. Looking under the destination column I can see the name of the person with the task. Because I verified User A had their OOO turned on in the OOO section, I assume that all tasks for User A on that worklist view are also on the tasklist of User B. I wish it were easier.

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