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Hi Everyone,

I have this workflow that has been running fine. But starting last week every time that it will run it will send around 8 to 15 emails to each of the recipients. My "Send an Email" action is not on a loop so it will only be triggered once. Also for the recipients the "To" field has a single AD group. While for my BCC field I have a sharepoint group that has around 300 members.

When I test it to only send email to me. It only sends 1 email, but when I put the AD group to the "To" field and the sharepoint group to the "BCC" field it sends multiple data.

Thank you in advance.

Any way you could show us an anonymized version of your workflow, just to be sure?

Have you tried To yourself and BCC yourself as well? What about yourself in a test AD group?

I've had this happen but it was oddly state machine related.
