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I have an activity (A) only can be accessed from another activity (B) 's escalation goto activity. I don't think adding a line from activity B to activity A without a rule is correct so I don't add a line. Why system doesn't allow me to compile? 

What is the right way of doing design??

Many thanks.


Wesley F

For a K2 process to compile every activity needs to be connected by lines even if the path that gets that activity initialized isn't through that line.  This is even the case if line rules are configured so that the workflow could never get to that activity.

With that said I find that using the GOTO method causes the viewflow to look disconnected since there is no proper connected flow at that point.  Sometimes that's fine if its an uncommon exception. 

If its something expected you might want to consider using the Expire escalation and build rules around the line so that it would only flow that path to the other activity if an activity expired.  That way when the business looks at the viewflow they can easily follow the path that was taken.


