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The [Identity].[Identity] table in the K2 Database contains a list of SharePoint Groups that we use in our K2 Process.  Sometimes when we pull back FQNs from this table they are in ALL CAPS instead of the original formatting that we provided.

It is critical that the formatting remains the same as we have custom functions and stored procedures that convert SharePoint Group FQNs into user-friendly formats.

Is there a way to prevent this change from happening?

Hi Chris,

I suggest you make use of the "UMGroup" smartobject to query on SharePoint groups (default SharePoint label should be SP). You can even make use of the SharePoint Group's description field for your friendly display. Do note that SharePoint groups will only surface in the "UMGroup" smartobject if it is configured in K2 Workspace > Management Console > User Managers > SP > Group Providers.



Thanks for the great response!

Given our needs the "UMGroup" SmO doesn't offer all of the information required (which is what led us to creating a stored procedure).  Getting the groups names is just a small piece of the process but one that is highly visible to users.

We will have to look into leveraging the table(s) "UMGroup" is based on to see if we can tab into the description field you mentioned.

Hi Chris,

The description field is the SPGroup's description property. For a quick test, I used SharePoint Manager 2013 from codeplex and edited the SP group's description and the value is reflected in "UMGroup" SmartObject's description property. =)


