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I just got done installing K2 blackpearl v4.5 in my SharePoint environment. I navigated to a document library and went into the K2 SharePoint Designer expecting to see the new silverlight designer and I saw the old one.  What's up?

Anyone else have this problem?

This environment had previous versions of blackpearl installed which were all uninstalled prior to installing v4.5


Did you activate the feature using the Sharepoint Central Administration? if yes, are you connected with a user with the permissions to use the K2 web designer?


I figured out where the designer is. But now when I access it I am getting "An unexpected error has occurred.
Please contact your system administrator for more information."

I turned off custom errors in the K2 Web Designer web.config file and then I was presented with the following error message:

"The entry 'asp:System.Web.UI:System.Web.Extensions, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35' has already been added."

See screenshot.  When I commented out this line it proceeded.

The error message said that you have two instances of the entry 'asp:System.Web.UI:System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35'. Are you still receiving this error?

If so, please attach a copy of your web.config file for the K2 designer.

No, I am not longer receiving this error. I resolved this error message by editing the K2 web.config and removing the entries for System.Web.Extensions since they were already included in my SharePoint web.config.


Good to hear you figured out where the designer is, cause I can't find it..:( I'm stuck with the old one. What exactly did you do to activate the Silverlight designer?

You need to activate the "K2 Designer for SharePoint Menu Item" option under "Site Features" of the site you want to use it on.
