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After integrating a list item with a process I realized I needed an extra column. So I added a column to the content type that was used in the list, but when I returned to K2 Studio I found that column wasn't available under the XML Fields in  the Process/Activity Data tab of the Object browser. 

After searching I found this question, but the solution was to go into the XML of the SharePoint_Item node and manually add the field and then reassign it from the list item in the Metadata Mapping step of the integration wizard. This seems surprisingly complicated for what must be a pretty common task. What is the correct way to use a newly added SharePoint column?

Have you try opening the sharepoint workflow integration wizard and going through the wizard, see if the new column is added as a field in the process?

Just paging through the integration wizard without changing anything. I don't think I've tried that. I'll give it a shot.
