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We all love the way that K2 Automagically can create all those methods in our SMO's wether they are source from Sharepoint, or SQL or something else.


My question in this post is what is the safest way to keep a Sharepoint List that has been customized with K2 to prevent overwriting once the changes are made.


Yes I know when some changes are done in the SMO, then when refresh the K2 Application, the the "Validating Objects" start their regular check on the SMO's and ultimatelly show an optino to


Regenerate SmartObjects

Regenerate SmartObjects and regenerate views and Forms




Should we just keep in mind "With great power comes great responsibility" and beware of the Regenerate Views and Forms Link.


which is fine, however that is not all .... I try to create a copy of the main files, then edit and customize to my needs, unfortunately, when clicking Delete All, all the forms within that particular List category got deleted.


I wonder what would be the recommendation to safely keep a copy of the look and feel... another thing that come to my attention, is what about if have 3 environments DEV, TEST, PRODUCTION.


suddendly edit the DEV environment, what would it take to copy easily all the work from the Views from DEV and extend to TEST & PRODUCTION.


Any suggestions will be greatly appreciate it.




Hi, K2CaveMen,


I understand your concern, however, do you not find the Package tool convenient enough for your goals?

You could package your solutions and store them in a safe location, before you make drastic changes (you can even package to include your data).


Kind Regards,

