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My flexi task works fine in that I have multiple (3) people that must approve an item.  However, the last chain of the flow is to send out an email that indicates who the 3 approves were for the item ?  How do I capture these 3 app rovers so I can populate an email that provides all 3 of the names...Should I capture the names in a variable ?

have you ticked the assign individual tasks option on the flexi task?  that will assign the tasks to each individual where you can then get their names with the common properties such as "Approver Comments" etc

How do you determine which 3 people are used in the flexitask. Can't you use the same mechanism for the e-mail?

In Common I see "Last Task Respondent" so will this reflect the approver ?  Essentially what I need to do is if all 3 of the managers approve that the exception is in tolerance then I want to send an email to audit saying the item is in tolerance and was approved by person a, person b, and person c.

This is the common property: Approver Comments

In this scenario I had two approvers and responded with both accounts.

You can see here the who, the when assigned, the when completed, the outcome and the comments for each.


You can store task ID in a collection variable, then fetch this collection and query the task list so you can retrieve all the needed info.
