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We now have a business requirement to have our processes automatically skip an activity, such as an approval step in a workflow, if the the destination of that activity includes the originator.  It seems to make sense to me: if I start a process by requesting an approval and the process workflow includes an activity that I typically have to approve, wouldn't it make sense to have the workflow skip this step since I made the request, I am the originator?

One way I am thinking of doing this is by adding a bunch of new lines and adding line rule code to check to see if the originator is in the destination of the next activity.  If so, the line rule going to the next activity would not validate but the line rule for the line going to the next activity would validate and the workflow would follow that path.  This seems complicated and a lot of work to accomplish this task.

There has to be a better way!  What is the best way to do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Your assumed way is reasonable.   You'll need to come up with the code that checks if destination = originator.   I don't know if you could use GotoActivity to jump to the next activity within destination rule.   If you don't use parallel routes you could look into use of GotoActivity in preceding rule as well (if dest rule doesn't work).

I'm basically trying to do the same thing - did you ever come up with a solution other than adding the additional lines?

I tried the approach of using the GoToActivity, but that left an active client event in the activity I was skipping.

I also have the same request like you before, at that time, I have another solutions to meet, I can paste the screen copy for your reference.

another screen copy
