The 'Outcome' of the approval/reject action is generally stored in the corresponding history task list. If you want to show that in your current list, you can do it in two ways.
1) Set the Workflow Status to the Outcome value Under the branches of the request Approval action.
2) Do the following:
- 1) Create a column to store the outcome
- 2) Under the branches of the request Approval action, set the value of the column accordingly.
- 3) Display the column in your view.
Thanks so much for your response.
I just have a few more questions in my effort to create the column.
Should the column I create be a "Single Line of Text" or "Task Outcome" or what??
Also--should i "Require this column to have text"?
I also created a Workflow Variable because when i selected the "STORE OUTCOME IN" field---there were no options.
so I created the variable to give me an Approve or Reject option---was this correct?
You can create just a normal "Single line of text" column and use your variable to set the value of this column once the task has been completed.
You can then remove your Workflow status column (unless you want it) from your view as the last action in your workflow will be to update the "Approved/Rejected" column with the outcome of the flexi task and as such, if that column is populated, you can assume your workflow is finished.
can you provide more instructions on:
1) Set the Workflow Status to the Outcome value Under the branches of the request Approval action.
thank you
1) You are correct in setting up the Single line text column for storing the outcome. (in my example below, it is called ApproveRejectResult)
2) You need to use that variable to update the item after the approval or rejection happens.
3) I also created a multiline text field called Comments, to store approver comments.
So your workflow would look something like this: The send notification actions are options. I just added them as place holders.
I am storing the outcome in a variable called "var_outcome.
The update item would look like this:
That's it. Now when you run the workflow, the end result would look like this, in the list:
Now to clean up the "comments" and strip off all the dates, names etc., that''s just an exercise in using regular expressions.
Hope this helps.
Thanks so much !
The comments and outcomes store exactly where I need them!!
However, my comments do have a lot of unnecessary info.
Can you explain the steps to make the comments show a regular expression?
Thanks again!
Just curious. Is "All Approver Comments" available in Office 365 version of Nintex. I don't see it in my tenant.
thank so much for your reply . Can you tell me how to take of the dates, names, etc and just use a REGULAR EXPRESSION??