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Hello All, I am unable to find the exact difference between Available and Open Statuses of worklist tiem. Also how many types of statuses are there for a worklist item. Thanks in advance.

Taken from the help:  Management > K2 Workspace > K2 Workspace Overview > Home > Worklist

Displays the status of the task item in the list. For example Available would signify that the task is waiting to be worked on. The statuses are Open, Allocated, Available and Sleep

The difference between Available and Open is that Available essentially means no one has started working on that task.  Open means that someone has started working on the task because they opened the worklist item.  For example if an activity is assigned to say a group of 5 people, that tasks worklist status would show as Available on all 5 user's worklists.  Normally, because it does depend on the Activities slot configuration, once one of those users click on the task to open the associated form the status for that user will change from Available to Open.  With a single slot, the worklist item will disappear from the other user's worklists.  In the management workspace it'll show as Allocated for the other users until that task is completed. 

If the user chooses to "Release" the worklist item it'll change the status from Open back to Available for him and the other 4 people in the group.  The task will then reappear on their worklists.  Looking at the management worklist the status for the 4 other users will have changed from Allocated to Available.
