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I would like to know what are the permissions required in SharePoint 2013 to provide Workflow Manager users with the rights needed to do what that role requires. Currently our workflow managers are added to a group that has Full Control to the site. Consequently some staff are getting into the site settings and making unauthorized changes. Any guidance or references to published materials is appreciated.


I'm new to these boards so maybe my expectations are unrealistic? I'm surprised that no one has answered this question yet! Doesn't Nintex have staff working these questions?

As far as I can tell the Workflow Manager needs Full Control on the SharePoint site.


I would say your expectations may be a bit unrealistic but not bad. As a community we try to work through all the posts and questions and provide answers as quickly as possible, but as with most communities, work comes before play. 

One of the great benefits to this community is that Nintex does not require the questions be answered by just their employees.  This gives users such as you and I a chance to test our knowledge,  learn from real world experiences and continue shaping this into a real user community, not just for Nintex employees troubleshooting issues. 

So there will be times where someone will respond quickly and times where it takes a while. I can guarantee that when you get a response, it will be a knowledgeable one and one that can help you resolve your issue or solve a problem.  

Glad to see you here and look forward to Nintexting with you in the future.

