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I have a K2 client Event that call a webservice.
For this, Ive first created a webservice event to see how to write the code.
And then Ive deleted the webservice event.

Dim oWebService As New WorkflowManagementService

Dim IntranetActivityID As System.Int32 = K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.DataFields("IntranetActivityID").Value
Dim K2ActivitySerialnumber As System.String = K2.SerialNumber
oWebService.Url = K2.StringTable("WebServiceURL")
oWebService.Credentials = SourceCode.K2Utilities.GeneralMod.GetCredentials(oWebService.Url)
K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.DataFields("K2ActivityCompleted").Value = oWebService.SetK2ActivitySeriallNumber(IntranetActivityID,K2ActivitySerialnumber)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
oWebService = Nothing
End Try

If I update my webservice (add a new method) and adapt the K2 client vent code, i'can't compile the process (the new method if not found)

It seems that K2 use a wraper dll (where???), i found a reference to this dll in the project properties.

My first question is How to update this reference. the solution I have found is to create a dummy activity with a webservice event and run the template; Is there another way to do this?

Second question : There are running processes with a reference to a web service. If the process and the webservice are updated, what append with all running processes? are they mapped to the new webservice (then an error could occur) ?
Webservices are external applications and if you alter the signature (parameters) of the webmethod it is going to break.
