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In my Object Browser, under Data Fields > [solution name] I have several automatically created data fields named [activity name]_WDRuntimeTaskField. What is the purpose of these fields? As I haven't had them in other solutions I've created. Thanks.

hmm.. I have never heard of this or have seen this before.  I don't think that is a normal K2 function.

Hi ric-bevan,


I have had look at one of my processes which contains a SharePoint Workflow Integration client event and within my context browser in the data fields  there is a WDRuntimeStartField.


I dont recall ever creating this Data Field but i think maybe some event within my process created the data field. Can you go through each process which contains the "WDRuntimeTaskField" and through a process of elimination see what type of events have been added to your processes.





Thanks for your responses @JakeCooley and @Yannick - you got it in one @Yannick, it was SharePoint Workflow Integration; I'd replaced them in my workflow with Default Client Events but the Data Fields remained. Thanks very much!
