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VALIDATIONThere was an error downloading 'http://server/services/service_name.svc'


Source: SourceCode.SmartObjects.Services.Management




Based on error message the following can be tried:


1) Adding ?wsdl to the URL - this was tried by client but made no difference




2) Try to browse to this web service URL via a browser from K2 server/new server to make sure this is accessible. Perhaps there is a firewall setting on the new server which is preventing communication.




Try enabling SmO logging and reproducing this to see some more specific error details. For example you can see something like this in SmO logs:




1) There was an error downloading 'http://server/services/easervice.svc'




2) Could not find server 'ADSI' in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.




Based on (1) you should verify that URL is accessible from K2 server - it could be firewall or something else blocking access.




Error message (2) itself suggests corrective action: "Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers" I assume if your DB server name changed you have to execute that stored procedure specifying new server name. See some details here for example:


Just execute SELECT name FROM sys.servers




It could be the case that linked server was created correctly but the server name in sys.servers still had the old server name. Though it seems exact corrective action depends on SQL Server version.



Enable SmO logging to see more specific errors. See possible checks/corrective actions above.



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