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 I need to solve the following problem:

An InfoPath form is submitted to a forms library to which a K2 process is attached. That form should have a review date, which should be changeable, as well as a button which should switch the view and show some fields for a change request. By submitting that change request a new review date is set, too.

I tried out the following to solve it: a process with InfoPath integration. The form is stored in a forms library. The first activity has got two lines for parallel activitiy branches. The one branch is resonsible for remembering the actual review date (=original date) and waiting - by setting a start rule - until the review date has been reached. If the original date is different to the actual date (the review date might have been changed) the line should go back to the beginning of the branch so that the activity waits until the new review date has been reached....

The other branch should wait until a certain button is pressed in the InfoPath form (wait until a certain flag is set). I try to do so by defining a "Preceding rule".

What was the result of that process?
--> I fill out a form, submit that form so that it is stored in the forms lib. Afterwards I open that form again to press the "change" button so that the flag is set and save/submit the form (again). By now, everything worked fine but from now on a second process instance is running. The first (initial one) instance is still waiting that the preceding rule (wait for change of flag) evaluates to TRUE, the second instance is running with the latest data...

Does anyone know how to solve my problem or how can I solve it in any other way?

Many thanks for any hint!


The good news is you can do this with blackpoint.  The bad news is you're way off track.  You won't hear me say that often and I don't mean it in a bad way.  I realize when you are first starting out, there is a lot to learn.  So many features.  So many new concepts. So many tools.  So many menus.  We've all been there.

I would suggest a solid foundation begins with training.  See if you can get a copy of the blackpoint training VPC.  There's a lot of good information in the student manuals and a number of very good sample projects to get you started.

I solved the problem by submitting the form again and overwriting the former version. Moreover, I've activated versioning to recover older versions.

see the solution here.


ps: many thanks to davidL 🙂 Maybe I should have described the problem in other words (like in the linked thread)
