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When I edit the View (where the Treeview is present) , it pops up this message when I tried to save the view after making changes.

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK___B02AE82__3214EC265C72BE5C'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.@ActionInstance'. The duplicate key value is (51eb8681-xxxx-xxxx-xxx). The data for table-valued parameter "@ActionInstance" doesn't conform to the table type of the parameter. SQL Server error is: 3602, state: 30 The statement has been terminated.






This issue is related to the control trying to add a second duplicated rule. 



The Tree view control was creating a second rule each time we tried to save the changes to the view. After deleting rules associated to Tree view control and re-creating it, the issue went away.



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