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Any time changes are made to SharePoint list columns and SmartObjects are regenerated on the list, the SmartForms tied to the list don't update with the correct format of the new columns.


This can be seen when new columns are added to a SharePoint list and the SmartObject artifacts are regenerated. Any views/ forms will not reflect these changes.


The option to regenerate SmartObjects will update these items only and will not add/ delete any fields on any views/ forms.

One item to take note of, even though columns are deleted in SharePoint, this doesn't mean that the previous fields tied to these columns will be deleted in any views/ forms. If one were to select the option to regenerate all artifacts in the list, this would reflect these new/ deleted fields. The issue with this is that in doing this, all customization to any views/ forms will be lost. It is recommended that if there is heavy customization to any form that the option to regenerate SmartObjects only be selected.

Another item to make note of is after regenerating any SmartObjects, all views/ forms should have any old fields removed that aren't necessary, and the newly added fields should be added to all necessary views/ forms.

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