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As part of an approval workflow, the permission rights of the initiator is to be reduced to read only. Unfortunally, the initiator cannot follow the progress of his own initiated workflow.

How is it possible to give him access to the workflow history related to the document?

Hi ,

If your issue is resolved, could you please provide the resolution and mark it as answered to help others on the community. Thank you.

Hi Joshi,

unfortunally I have no solution up to now.

You mean that person with Read-Only permissions, cannot see the workflow history from the Workflow status column in the list? I know that context menu might not be available, but they still should be able to click on the workflow column and see the history.

So, why is THIS marked as the answer? What if they don't have the workflow column in the view? Additionally the workflow column link only goes to the normal SharePoint workflow history and not the workflow history that Nintex offers which has more details along with the workflow diagram as to where the workflow is in the middle of the progress of the workflow. This is not the solution to this issue IMO.

We have the same problem, users with Read only rights cannot see this:


Yes, they CAN access the workflow history if they use multiple clicks and dig deep into sub-menus and hack the URL, but why is it not in their drop down menu if they have access to it? Why can't they just see it? When I take away edit rights this is what they see:


It removes the SharePoint "workflows" as well as the Nintex "View Workflow history" menu options, along with workflow scheduling which they really shouldn't have at all. Is there a special permission that they can get to allow them to have workflow history without giving them edit rights? I don't want users to edit items. They have a custom permission called "Read, Add New Only" that we created so they can add new items but not edit or delete once submitted. We could toss in some special permission if its available. I just can't believe the edit permission and the ability to view workflow history in the drop down menu are connected like this especially when they can get to the history just fine with a proper URL to the Nintex workflow history list.

Additionally that first line, they shouldn't see that at all. While that's a separate question in and of itself, if anyone knows how to remove the custom action from the menu visibility for users with certain permission levels please let me know. (target audience available somewhere maybe?)

I ended up creating a calculated number column with a URL to the workflow history page. You would need to put in your url and list id. This at least allowed me to get into page to see this history (easily).

