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What is the difference between Changed, Initializing, Populated, and Set at rules setup time for a field?


In other words:

  1. The rule will happen only once when the view is loaded when we set the rule based on 'Initializing?' If the form is reloaded, would this rule fire again? 
  2. If we use 'Changed,' is this rule supposed to fire live, as if one select a value on a form and immediately the rule should follow? Does the form need to be re-loaded for this 'Changed' rule to fire?
  3. Does 'Populated' stand only for text fields? Is this rule alwasy true if a column has a default value?
  4. How is 'Set' different than 'Changed' and/or 'Populated?' If a field is 'set' at initilize time, would this override an 'Initialize' based rule? If a field is empty by default and we 'set' it, how is this different that the field being 'populated?'

Related, what is the rule setting that states something similar to: "if this field equals this value, then set the other field to this - or hide the other field, etc.?" With which of the four settings listed above here do we have to work to anchor a rule execution based on a field's value? 



Hi RaduP,


1. The rule will happen only once when the view is loaded when we set the rule based on 'Initializing?' If the form is reloaded, would this rule fire again?

Initializing - Yes, the rule will fire again when the form is reloaded.


2. If we use 'Changed,' is this rule supposed to fire live, as if one select a value on a form and immediately the rule should follow? Does the form need to be re-loaded for this 'Changed' rule to fire?

Changed - Yes, this rule fires live (during runtime) when the control text is changed.


3. Does 'Populated' stand only for text fields? Is this rule always true if a column has a default value?

Populated -No, this rules fires when the control is populated with data not when a selection is made.

The populated rule is only available for list controls (controls like Dropdown lists, Checkbox list, etc.). This rule is only true if a list controls has been populated already.

Example:  when a list control is bound to a Smart object then a populate list control should be placed somewhere in order for the list control to be populated, only then can a populated rule be used.


4. How is 'Set' different than 'Changed' and/or 'Populated?' If a field is 'set' at initialize time, would this override an 'Initialize' based rule? If a field is empty by default and we 'set' it, how is this different that the field being 'populated?'

Set – This rule does exactly the same thing as the Changed rule but is requires a longer path to follow when constructing the rule.

Thus the Set rule is only different from the Populated rule as can be seen when looking at point 3 and 4.


5. Related, what is the rule setting that states something similar to: "if this field equals this value, then set the other field to this - or hide the other field, etc.?" With which of the four settings listed above here do we have to work to anchor a rule execution based on a field's value? 

I suggest using the Changed rule with a mixture of an advanced condition and set control properties rule.

This is an example of the rule construction:

Let’s say you have Textbox (A) and you want Textbox (B's) value to say "True" and be disabled if Textbox (A) is equal to the word "Test" then this rule construction would be appropriate.


When Textbox (A) is changed             - Explanation: Even if you give this text box a static value this rule will still fire.

Then If advanced condition is true      - Configuration: Textbox (A) = Equals = Test

Then set Textbox (B's) properties        - Configuration: True and Disabled.


Kind Regards,

