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We patched and restarted our K2 servers this weekend and are now getting the error "NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON does not have permissions to view the process" whenever we try to look at the view flow webpage. We have looked at the servers to see if everything looks ok and all services are running. We have not done any troubleshooting beyond that.


we set the delegation per kb for workspace server and K2 server, but we were still getting the same error. We enable Kerberos logging on web server and K2 server, but did not see Kerberos error in the log. After we added DisableLoopbackCheck on the web server, we start seeing Kerberos error on this server.



Setting Kerberos delegation between workspace app pool account and K2 Service account with Trust this user for delegation to specified services only option, restart K2 service and iisreset resolved the issue

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