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Viewflow does not work in one of our K2 environments. It works perfectly in the other 2 environments.


After comparing the K2Server.setup file (Located in the "...Host ServerBin" directory), I found that the "ProcessView" viewflow "type" was not what it should be.

- Uses "SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Views"
- And was of type "SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.ews.ProcessView"
- Should be of type "SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Views.ProcessView"
(Note that the "Vi" was missing from "Views")


After fixing the view flow "type" for "ProcessView" to be "SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.Views.ProcessView" instead of "SourceCode.Workflow.Runtime.ews.ProcessView" (Note the missing "Vi" in "Views"), viewflow started working again.

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