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We have a customer that needs urgent help with slow performance on their production environment. At the smartforms runtime user level, when a menu button that navigates to another form is clicked, the website stalls for 0.5-12 seconds before navigating to the other form. It's the same delay/waiting problem in the whole system. From the "SmartObjects - Services - Tester" I've tried to call simple stored procedures in the database and the delay/waiting problem also occurs there. It could be a network problem between the webserver and the database server. However, according to our customer's own IT department, it is not a network problem and the two servers have more than sufficient resources (CPU, memory and space).


We determined on the meeting that the CPU affinity level was set to use only 1 core (of the 8 cores available). After switching it to use all 8 cores, the load was spread across all CPU cores and everything went much faster.

However there were a lot of errors in the Windows Event Log like the following:
Exception.Message: 24109 The processor configuration has changedException.StackTrace: at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.InternalConnection.Call(ArchiveX ar, MessageType msgtype)
at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection.CreateProcessInstance(String ProcName, Int32 Version, String Layer)
at bat.integration.BatServiceObject.CertificateWorkflow.Command.CreateCertificateWorkflowCommand.CreateAndStartWorkflow()
at bat.integration.BatServiceObject.CertificateWorkflow.CertificateWorkflowCommand.Execute()
at bat.integration.BatServiceObject.ServiceObjectAPI.Execute()

After restarting the service (to try and stop these errors) we saw that the affinity level in Task Manager jumped back to using only 1 CPU core. We checked licensing and think that it could be group policy. There are utilities to force it to use all 8 cores, although the customer doesn't want to run a custom utility on their production server.


It turns out that the K2 production license was requested in 2013 and was for only 1 CPU license, in other words for some reason K2 only used 1 single CPU core to run on. After requesting a new license for 250 users and changing it in Management Console then restarting the K2 Host Server service, it is now running on all 8 CPU cores and the performance issues have been alleviated.

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