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I have two Date/Time controls on my Nintex form, and I'm comparing them with an equals() runtime function.  When the form loads, they are both blank, and the function evaluates to true:

So far so good.  But as soon as I change the Date/Time controls, the function always evaluates to false, even if they are the same:

(There are some calculated values above the "false" that are just set to show the values of the Date/Time fields.)

If I clear the date portions of the Date/Time controls, it evaluates to true again.

Here's the formula I'm using:

Does anyone have any insight into why this would evaluate as false when the two values are clearly the same?

your formula compares whether two date objects equals, not date values!

equals() is not designed to work on dates.

I'd recommend following solution Validation Rules - Nintex Mobile form 

following Philip Warrak‌'s deep analyze might help you as well.

Condition on Date Values Returns False instead of True

Thank you, this clears it up.  It looks like Philip Warrak's solution basically forces Date/Time types to convert to strings so that they can be compared for identity.  I found that both of these formulas got the desired result:
