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The next brain teaser :?

I have a custom event template that allows a boolean value to be assigned to a process or activity data variable. What I need to make sure is that this variable is actually of boolean type. Forget the XML structure for the moment as that will be the next brain teaser 😉

I am looking at the IsValid method of the PropertyPage in the SDK to do the validation at this point. However, the only K2 reference I have is the DataViewButton.

Any suggestions, anyone?

You and your brain teasers... 😎

Can't you just do your casting within a Try... Catch... block and pick up the validity from there?

Also, have a look at the code behind a Line rule where you compare a process level datafield to some arbitrary value. Depending on the type of the process level datafield, different castings are done in the code. Maybe this can help you.

