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When I'm editing an item that contains a Choice control that is placed inside a panel, the value doesn't get updated unless the first option is selected. 


The Choice control is connected to a SharePoint Choice column with the option 'Checkboxes (allow multiple selections)', it is then placed inside a panel.  I also give it a Name of 'MyChoices'


It doesn't matter what the choices are, could be "One, Two, Three, Four, Five"


I've also placed a Calculated Value control on the form with the formula referencing the Named control 'MyChoices' so I could see what the value that I've selected was (this was just for debugging).


On new items, it doesn't matter what checkboxes I select, I can see the calculated value field updating with each selection/deselection.  However when I go back and edit existing items, when I select new checkboxes (or unselect checkboxes), the calculated value field does not update.  It is only when I select/deselect the very first checkbox that it recalculates.


For example, if i selected "One", "Three", "Five" and saved, when I go back and edit that item and select "Two" and "Four", the value of the calculated control will still show "lOne,Three,Five]" even though all five checkboxes are selected.  When I uncheck the first box ("One"), the value updates and displays "dTwo,Three,Four,Five]".  If I go and uncheck "Four" and "Five", the value doesn't update again until I've re-selected the "One" at which time the value updates to "pOne,Two,Three]"


Everything works when I move that Choice control back onto the main form (i.e. not inside any panels), but that would screw with the design of the form :/

Hi Trien Lam,

I tried to reproduce your issue but that works well for me.

Regardless of whether the Choice control is in a panel or not.

To dig a little more, which Nintex Forms version do you use?

Could you attach us an export of your form in order to test it?

Thanks for replying, Paul

It looks like it is the version that is causing the problem.  When I create the form in Nintex Forms 2013 v2.3.2.0 there is no problem with the Choice control updating it's value whether inside or outside a panel.  When I import that same form on another farm which has Nintex Forms 2013 v2.7.0.0 the problem is there.

I have attached a sample form that is having the problem in  The list it is attached to is very basic, a custom list with the default Title field, and one Choice field with choices "One","Two","Three","Four","Five" allowing multiple selections.  If you drag the Choice control outside of the panel, it works as expected in edit mode.  If you put the control back inside the panel, then it won't update in edit mode unless the first option ("One") is toggled.

I have the feeling this is a bug, so I'm just going to ditch the panel for that section of my form.
