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I'm working on a distributed SharePoint environment with a single K2 server.  When trying to open a SmartObject (not even execute), I get the variations of the error message "Value cannot be null.  Parameter name: s".


I get this error in Smart Forms designer, client side, application event log and when using the Smart Object Tester.



I'd like to add that the SharePoint farm is running in 2013 with K2 in SPS2010 mode.  The K2 components (described above) are interacting with a site collection created in SPS 2010 mode.


Any ideas?



Can you execute the smartobject from the smartobject service tester? Also, what service instance type does this smartobject belongs to?

Frequently this error means that your Service Object and SmartObject definitions are out of sync for some reason and affected SmartObjects are marked with red cross in Tester Tool. In this scenario you will need to investigate why some ServiceObjects have changed their definition or disappeared.
