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First time poster and new to K2!

I am struggling with what on paper is a relativley simple problem I am hoping the forums can assist me with....


I have a SmartObject which connects to an SQL database and I simply want to validate user-input on a form against it, ie "a user enters two values on my view, when a button is pressed a query is ran to confirm said values exist in the database in the same row".

If the values appear in the database in the same row then they can proceed, if not then a message is displayed.

I have tried to execute Select and Read methods with no success along with various rule combinations.


Any help or links to guidance most appreciated in particular anything which explains how K2 can handle a login screen with the user info stored in sql.


Usually when a user hits a Smartforms URL, that user is usually authenticated using WindowsSTS/AD (depending on on the browser is configured, the user maymay not be prompted to authenticate); are you attempting to build Smartforms login page on top of this out-of-the-box authentication?


If so, perhaps configuring FormsSTS + SQLUM (one possible option); would provided you with an Out-of-the-box log-in page that will also authenticates against usernamepassword stored in SQL database.  Please see the PDF article below for more information:



Unfortunately this is for members of the public so they wont be in Active Directory so it is a login screen on-top of what already exists im afraid!

Its just a case of "if what is entered matches whats in the database then proceed" but ive hit a brick wall with this one sadly but as im looking at building up rules i may be going about this entirely the wrong way....

I believe the FORMSTS + SQLUM may still work.  When this is enabled, the first screen that the user would see is this out-of-the-box login page regardless of the user being in the domain or not, then they can specify something like "SQLUMusername" + password, to authenticate against the SQLUM tables that is managed by K2/database administrator.
